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Week 0 Review Ticket • 5 min read

Tasks Completed

  • Completed Tools setup instructions
  • Student Repository created
  • Blog created

Challenges Faced & The Agile Mindset

  • Python Installation (15 Minute Fix): During the version checks, when I would try to run the “python –version”, my computer would constantly say “command not found” which was really frustrating. The problem had already come up with many other students in the class, so it was an easy fix for Mr. Mortenson.
  • Running a Local Server with “make” (3 Hour Fix): When trying to run the “make” command, I would be prompted with the message “No template sub-directory with name ‘markdown’ found in the following paths:”. This was fixed through moving all my files from my “_notebooks” folder into a new folder that I named “NOTES”, so that the pathway would run cleanly.


  • Will’s Image Dragging Issue (2 Hour Fix): Since Will was on a chromebook, his image importation into vscode was a bit different from mine, and we struggled with finding a method in getting his images into vscode to input into his blog. In the end, we called a student from another class period who had gotten this problem figured out, who was luckily still awake at the time we called him, and he showed us how he had gotten his images in.
    Throughout the week, Will and I faced a lot of frustrating situations with our codes and computers. We found it really helpful to refer back and forth to the CSP nighthawk coders github, as well as finding tutors during Office Hours to take a crack at some of our technical problems (shoutout to Theo, he was a big help), and looking online at how others solved similiar problems. The most important takeaway for us was to never back down and never give up when faced with a problem, as you can almost always find an answer to your problem with someone else who has experienced it before, and learn from them.